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National Nonprofits Request Workforce Data Funding in FY25 Appropriations

June 2024

United Philanthropy Forum joined roughly 30 national nonprofit organizations to urge leaders of the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies to provide funding in the FY25 appropriations bill for BLS to give nonprofits the same updated data that other employers get.

Building Formulas in Salesforce Demo

June 2024

This is a recording of the Knowledge Management (KM) Collaborative's June 12, 2024 Office Hours about building formulas in Salesforce.

Finding your PSO People with Our Member Directory

May 2024

In this website how-to video, we review how to use the member directory to find out more about Forum members. Forum members have access to the full directory including organization and contact details so don't forget to log in.

United Philanthropy Forum

Sector Letter Expresses Concerns to House Ways and Means

May 2024

This week, United Philanthropy Forum joined partner organizations in sending a letter to the leaders of the House Ways and Means Committee expressing concerns about the potential impact recently introduced bills could have on the charitable sector.

Annual Conference Sponsorship

May 2024

Learn more about the sponsorship opportunities available at our Forum Annual Conference.

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